PUBG Mobile server not responding error hints to issues related to the internet or server. Since PUBG is an online multiplayer game, errors like this fully halt the game. The ‘server did not respond’ error usually happens when the servers are down or too busy. PUBG requires strong and stable internet connection too so, slow internet connection can be at fault too.

When Playerground’s Battleground (PUBG) first came out as a beta in 2017, it was full of bugs and glitches. But ever since its official release, the bugs are slowly being eradicated. However, there still are an insignificant number of errors that still exist. One of those errors is Server did not respond error.

The game takes too much to load and throws a PUBG error box that states “Server did not respond. Please return to the login page and try again” like shown in the picture below:

PUBG Server Did Not Respond

How To Fix PUBG Server Did Not Respond Error?

The first thing you should do is do some basic checks that include the following:

-PUBG servers are up and running. No notice of maintenance like shown the picture below:


-Your Internet Connection is working and stable

-Your Internet speed and ping is enough to play a multiplayer online game

-You aren’t using your Mobile Data

Once you do these, try restarting the app. If even restarting doesn’t help, change your DNS. When the DNS server your ISP is using isn’t working properly, you can’t be connected to the game’s server.

Change DNS on iOS

-Go to Settings and tap on WiFi

-Click on the blue I button which is next to the wifi you’re connected to

-Now scroll down to DNS and tap on Configure DNS

-Select Manual if it is set to Automatic

-Scroll down to the DNS servers and delete all the servers

-Now tap on Add server

-Add either and OR and

-Now launch PUBG

Change DNS on Android

-Go to Settings and tap on WiFi & Network

-Tap and hold on your WiFi network

-Choose Modify Network

-Type in your password and go to Advanced options

-Scroll down until you find IP settings

-Change DHCP to Static

-Now scroll down a little more, you’ll see DNS 1 and DNS 2. Enter the following:

DNS 1:

DNS 2:




-Hit Save/OK and launch PUBG

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